About me

Hello, my name is Simona Ascher

I am a passionate strategist, designer and developer with a focus on holistic brand design and target group-oriented appearance. In recent years, I have specialized in branding, web development and online marketing.

In 2022, I founded an advertising agency and have been successfully supporting a wide variety of companies and start-ups from all over Austria ever since. These experiences have significantly shaped my diverse skills and further strengthened my passion for creative solutions and innovative projects.

My way of working

My professional approach is individual and tailored to the needs of each brand. Honest recommendations are an integral part of my advice – I am not afraid to point out when certain measures are not in the best interests of the brand.

The collaboration with my clients is characterized by closeness and trust. I accompany some projects for years, we grow together and continuously develop the brand. For others, I specifically take on smaller tasks where the collaboration is completed quickly and efficiently. In all cases, the focus of my work is on providing optimal support for the brand.

Liebe Simona! Danke, für deine super Betreuung! Ganz Besonders hervorheben möchte ich deine Fähigkeiten im Bereich Online-Marketing, insbesondere bei der Betreuung unserer Google Ads Anzeigen. Dank deiner Expertise haben wir eine erhebliche Steigerung des Traffics und der Conversion-Raten auf unserer Website erlebt. Deine Professionalität, Kreativität und Zuverlässigkeit haben mich restlos überzeugt, und ich habe dich bereits mehrfach weiterempfohlen und werde dich auch zukünftig gerne weiterempfehlen. Liebe Grüße, Silvia
IFGE - Silvia Podlisca
IFGE - Silvia Podlisca
Simona, hat mein Logo überarbeitet, meine Website und Google Anzeigen erstellt und verwaltet diese auch. Die Zusammenarbeit hat von Beginn an sehr gut funktioniert und all meine Wünsche wurden exzellent umgesetzt. Ich kann Simona nur von Herzen, an all jene die Unterstützung in den Bereichen Web&Design benötigen, empfehlen.
Miriam Geiger
Miriam Geiger
Simona hat uns der Himmel geschickt, mit ihr konnten wir nach langer Suche, das umsetzen was wir uns vorstellten. Sie hat uns zugehört und ist auf unsere Wünsche, die oft auch sehr speziell und anspruchsvoll waren, ganz wunderbar eingegangen und hat sie rasch, unkompliziert und super-professionell umgesetzt. Sie weiß wirklich, wovon sie spricht, kann Zusammenhänge auch für Laien sehr gut verständlich darstellen und ist stets um eine optimale Umsetzung bemüht. Am allermeisten schätzen wir ihre Geduld, ihre Klarheit und Zielorientierung sowie ihren tollen Umgang mit außergewöhnlichen Aufgabenstellungen. Wir freuen uns, weiterhin mit ihr zusammenzuarbeiten und können eine Zusammenarbeit mit Simona wärmstens empfehlen!
Heidi Plangger
Heidi Plangger
Wir haben Simona vor rund 3 Jahren im Rahmen unserer Markenentwicklung kennen gelernt und waren von beginn an von ihrem Gespür für Design und Ästhetik begeistert. Sie weiß, trotz unserer manchmal nicht so konkreten Vorstellungen was zu tun ist und übertritt das von uns und unseren Kunden erwartete Endergebnis- IMMER! Simona selbst würde ich als verlässlich, genau und ehrlich bezeichnen! Ich könnte mir niemand anderen mehr für unsere Designs, Webauftritte, Printmedien usw. vorstellen!

Qualification through training

My interdisciplinary qualifications are based on extensive training that I have completed at renowned educational institutions. The following key stages play a decisive role in my professional development.

2020 – 2023

Communication, Knowledge, Media
at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg

My bachelor’s degree at the University of Applied Sciences focused on online communication, web development, e-learning and user experience & interaction design. In this context, I acquired profound knowledge in web programming, content management, media law, databases and applied computer science. The interdisciplinary training enabled me to develop and implement concepts for the targeted use of networked electronic media.

2020 – 2023
2019 – 2020

Master school for communication design

The one-year vocational training at the master school for communication design not only imparted practical and theoretical knowledge, but also placed a strong focus on the development of thinking methods as well as working and decision-making attitudes. During this additional year of training, I deepened my knowledge of the holistic design of brands and brand positioning and communication in various online and offline channels.

2019 – 2020
2014 – 2019

Higher technical college
for graphic and communication design

The five-year course at the higher technical college for graphic and communication design formed a solid basis for my technical, creative and business skills. The training focused on various creative areas such as graphic and print design, color design, illustration, typography, photography, image editing, animation design and video editing.

2014 – 2019

Your advantages with me as a specialist

With my expertise in branding, I not only make your brand shine, but also ensure that it is sustainable in the market.

  • Customized concept adapted to the vision of your brand
  • 100% individual design with a holistic view of your brand
  • Compliance with industry-specific quality criteria
  • Customized approaches instead of interchangeable “AI solutions”
  • No exorbitant agency prices
  • A clearly structured design process for efficient collaboration

My wide range of skills

As a designer and developer, I combine a wide range of interdisciplinary skills. Every day I use different core competencies in different areas and work with a wide range of professional tools and programs.

What can I do for you?

My services range from branding and print design to digital presence. Together we create a unique visual identity, transform ideas into tangible expressions and position your brand effectively in the digital space. Let’s find out together how we can tell your story clearly and convincingly!


Branding is more than just a logo – it is the essence of your corporate identity. Through a customized strategy, we not only create an appealing design, but also a strong brand personality.

Print design

Print design is the art of conveying messages through visual design. Each project is individually and effectively designed to emphasize the uniqueness of your brand and leave a lasting impression.

Web development

A strong online presence is crucial for success. With my focus on brand websites, e-commerce solutions, booking and ticketing systems and UX/UI design, I create digital experiences that are not only functional, but also reflect the essence of your brand.

Online Marketing

Effective online marketing is the key to increasing visibility and success in the digital space. From copywriting and SEO to Google Ads, I develop customized strategies to position your brand and reach the right target group.

Photo & Video

Images and films are powerful tools for telling stories. With my expertise in brand photography and videography, I create visual content that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also strengthens your brand’s identity.

What are you waiting for?
Start with a simple message!

Let’s take the first step together! Whether you’re just starting your business or looking for a refresher – I’m here to guide you and look forward to making your ideas a reality.

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